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Un zeste de néerlandais : Pocket dictionary for the hotel and catering sector

Taking orders, bringing the bill, booking tables... it's all there in the pocket dictionary FR/NL for the hotel and catering sector. 

Prêt à parler: Pocket dictionary for shops

Prêt à parler helps you provide a better service to Dutch-speaking customers. With appendix: chocolatiers, clothing or electricals.

Route: Pocket dictionary for public transport

When does the bus leave? Where is the stop? How much does a ticket cost? This booklet FR/NL/EN helps you answer questions from passengers.

Contact: Dictionary for reception

This booklet contains all French, Dutch and English for reception staff.  You communicate fluently with customers and visitors.

ABabyC: Pocket dictionary for parents of children between 0 and 3 years old

Your child goes to a nursery or daycare? This dictionary FR/NL/EN helps you to communicate in Dutch. 

Medica: Dictionary for hospitals

This dictionary helps you communicating with patients and visitors in French, Dutch or English.