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Our services

The House is the leading partner for Dutch in Brussels. We are here for all Brussels' residents, teachers of Dutch as a foreign language, companies, colleges, schools and nurseries, community centres and sports, cultural and other organisations.  

Individual advice and registrations 

We help everyone with questions about learning and practising Dutch for adults in Brussels. 

We offer advice on courses Dutch as a foreign language, self-study and activities for practising Dutch.  

Candidates can also register with us directly for Dutch courses in Dutch-speaking adult education in Brussels.  

We collaborate intensively with the Dutch-speaking adult education centres: we analyse what courses the people of Brussels need and the schools adapt their teaching range accordingly. As a result, we can almost always find the right course for the right person. 

  1. Certification tests 

If you need a certificate to prove your proficiency in Dutch, you can take a test at the House. For example, evidence for a nationality application​, for working or studying, or for prioritising a child's enrolment in Dutch-speaking education​.  

Practise opportunities and language promotion 

You don't learn Dutch in the classroom alone. We want people from Brussels to be able to practise Dutch as much as possible. That is why we help Dutch-speaking leisure organisations to be a practise opportunity and support them in organising conversation activities.  

In addition, we create practise opportunities ourselves: 

  • The urban game Plonge for exploring Dutch in Brussels 
  • to find a Dutch-speaking exchange partner 
  • Our Babbelut conversation tables for practising Dutch 

All activities and tips for practising Dutch can be found at And with the 'taaliconen', you can immediately see the level of Dutch required to quickly participate in each activity.  

Companies, schools and organisations 

Numerous companies, schools and organisations work with us. They have language-related questions or want to start a language policy or language activities. This involves, for example:  

  • Companies and organisations with questions about Dutch for their employees or their public. 
  • Organisations that want to become places where people can practise Dutch 
  • Dutch-speaking vocational training programmes that want to make their lessons more accessible to non-Dutch speakers 
  • Dutch-speaking schools, daycare centres and consultancies that want to work on Dutch for parents 

Teachers NT2 

For NT2 teachers, we organise activities and offer tips and material for the classroom. We work together with the teachers to suit the Dutch lessons in Brussels as much as possible to the inhabitants of Brussels and the city. 


Over 80 volunteers help us to organise 7 locations and online conversation tables every week. They guide the conversations and stimulate the participants. We are in close contact every week and thank them annually with our volunteer activities.  

Working at the Dutch Language House 

Our DNA is a great mix. More than 30 of our 85 colleagues have a migration background. This supplies the House a wealth of cultural and linguistic resources. Our team features more than 20 different native languages.  

This super-diversity offers great added value to us and our visitors. We actively pursue it. When recruiting, we remove as many unnecessary barriers as possible. And we also do this within the organisation. For example: our internal communication takes place in clear Dutch.  

We don’t work on inclusion all by ourselves. We involve partners to advise us and to establish links with target groups that we find more difficult to reach.

Our team

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Language policy Open Close

Language promotion and practice Open Close

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