Our partners
Who are the structural partners of the Dutch Language House? You can find out below. Of course, we also collaborate with many organisations, companies and schools in specific projects and operations.
The Flemish Community Commission (VGC) and the Government of Flanders provide 90% of the subsidies of the Dutch Language House Brussels. The Joint Community Commission also provides subsidies to the House on a structural basis.
We collaborate intensively with the Brussels Centres for Adult Education (CVO), which offer Dutch as Second Language (NT2) lessons:
- CVO Brussel
- CVO Lethas
- CVO Semper
- Ligo Brusselleer, the Brussels Centre for Basic Education:
- The University Language Centre (UTC) at KU Leuven – Brussels
Campus - The Brussels VDAB
Training and work
- providers of vocational training and work placement schemes: VDAB, Syntra, the partners of Tracé Brussel, the Brussels CVO, the Centres for Learning and Work
- the Brussels partners for everything to do with work: Actiris, VDAB
- and Tracé Brussel
Integration & naturalisation
- the Flemish Integration and Naturalisation Agency
- the Antwerp-based Atlas Agency
- the Ghent-based Amal Agency
- non-profit organisation ‘de Rand’