A taalicoon shows how much Dutch you need to comfortably follow an activity. It also symbolises that you are welcome to practice your Dutch during the activity.
You can find the taaliconen in various publications and on different websites. More than 200 organisations in Brussels and Flanders use them.
How does it work?
- Taalicoon 1: You do not yet understand or speak much Dutch.
- Taalicoon 2: You understand a little Dutch but do not yet speak it very well.
- Taalicoon 3: You understand a great deal of Dutch and are able to participate in simple conversations.
- Taalicoon 4: You understand a lot of Dutch and speak it well.
You you will find activities on these websites
Nederlands oefenen in Brussel: Our website with tips and with information about our activities to practice Dutch and activities of partners.
UiT in Brussel: The website with an overview of cultural and other leisure activities in Brussels.
N22 Brussels: Brussels counts 22 Dutch-speaking community centres. Their activities and courses are listed on this website.
Ik doe mee: Would you like to practise Dutch outside of Brussels? Then check out this website.
UIT in Vlaanderen: The website with an overview of cultural and other leisure activities in Flanders.